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Episode 121: “Living Centered and Reclaiming Agency” 

Featuring Veronica Scruggs, M.Ed, LPC

Do you feel like a victim of your circumstances? Overwhelmed by things you can’t control and feelings of helplessness? You’re not alone. Today Mickenzie and Hannah sit down with therapist and Onsite Guide, Veronica Scruggs to explore the idea of reclaiming agency when our lives feel overwhelming, stuck, or out of control. Together they discuss the concept of moving from a victim to a volunteer and showing up wholeheartedly in our lives.

Meet this episode’s expert

Veronica is a Licensed Professional Counselor who currently works as a guide at Onsite Workshops in Nashville, TN. Veronica holds a Master’s degree in Counseling from the University of North Texas. Prior to her work at Onsite, Veronica served as a Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (COPSD) counselor at Nexus Recovery in Dallas, TX where she was responsible for women and their children dealing with addiction and co-occurring disorders, including individual and group counseling sessions, in a residential treatment setting. Veronica thrives in her ability to explore the dark places with her clients, say the unsaid, and spark the undoing of old narratives that tend to keep us stuck. She is passionate about empowering others to embrace their inner knowing and living a life that is in alignment with their sacred truth. 

Mentioned in this episode

Living Centered Program

Life—it can be so overwhelming.  

So often we move through it so swiftly and efficiently that we subconsciously begin to muscle through each day without even blinking. We don’t have time to get that workout in, let alone tend to our internal landscapes, so we bypass our trauma, sidestep our emotions, and keep it moving. Our daily actions have become completely disconnected from our purpose, our dreams, and our desires. It was all working…until it wasn’t. The cracks begin to appear. 

The Living Centered Program is our response to this phenomenon—we want to help you quiet the noise and bring you back to center. Living Centered is an invitation home to your true self. 

What is the Living Centered Program? 

The Living Centered Program is a six-day workshop led by expert therapists who will guide you in exploring, deconstructing, and rewriting your narratives. Our beautiful campus and retreat-like setting allows you a break from your daily distractions and provides the clarity needed to re-establish congruence between your feelings, values, and actions so that you might live a more intentional, meaningful, and fulfilling life.  

This world-renowned group experience is specifically designed to meet you right where you are. Our team will help you connect your past and present experiences and work through issues such as trauma, depression, anxiety, codependency, loneliness, childhood wounds, family dysfunction, negative relationship patterns, or simply the stresses of daily life. 

Visit us at to see if this program might be a fit for you!


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Veronica Scruggs