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Episode 061 “Living Centered and Exploring Attachment Science” 

Featuring Krispin Mayfield, LPC

Today Mickenzie and Hannah are diving into attachment science with licensed therapist and author Krispin Mayfield. The ways we learned to receive and keep connections in our earliest relationships create a framework from which we draw in every subsequent relationship. Krispin explains how our attachment style impacts how we show up in relationships and also explores what attachment science can teach us about how we understand and relate to a higher power.

Meet this episode’s expert

Krispin Mayfield, LPC has a background in full-time ministry and is now in private practice as licensed professional counselor in Oregon, where he and his wife, D.L., live with their two children. Trained in attachment-based emotionally focused therapy, Krispin has served for over ten years in church trauma-recovery programs. In his writing, podcasting, and speaking, Krispin explores the integration of faith and psychology, and his writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including Christianity Today, Relevant, Aleteia, Boundless, and Fathom.

Follow Krispin




Mentioned in this episode

Healthy Love and Relationships

As humans, we’re all wired for connection, but unfortunately, many of us did not get our most basic emotional needs met in our early development. When we don’t get our emotional needs met, we start to look to other relationships to fulfill those needs. This affects our self-worth and self-esteem, resulting in harmful and hurtful relationship patterns in adulthood. 

We repeat what we don’t repair, so we’ll continue to live out the same scenarios and situations we experienced growing up until we find the space and guidance we need to explore what’s behind these unhealthy patterns. 

This revolutionary six-day experience will help you address the core wounds that drive self-sabotaging behaviors and the need for approval that continues to disrupt your relationships. If you have a historical pattern of dysfunctional relationships or find yourself frequently disappointed by unmet expectations, this group program provides a safe, nurturing environment essential for rebuilding your self-worth.


  • You find yourself in destructive relationship patterns
  • You dive headfirst into relationships to your own detriment OR you are guarded and self-protective in your most important relationships
  • You want to know what’s getting in the way of you meeting someone
  • You desire connection, but all your relationships keep ending in the same way
  • You feel lonely even in your closest relationships
  • You’re repeating and recreating unhealthy patterns from your childhood
  • You don’t know how to set healthy boundaries


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Krispin Mayfield
Healthy Love and Relationships program overview video