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It’s Not Working Anymore: A Three-Part Series on Success for Business Leaders

3 lies to keep telling yourself if you want your business to fail.

Session 1

Together, we will uproot three deeply held beliefs that are holding you back from the health and success you want to see in your organization. Led by Janet McDonald, this webinar series will help leaders find sustained success by focusing on the one thing that actually has the ability to transform their organizations: humans.

Lie 1: I’m not the problem, they are.

So often, when evaluating the health of an organization, we look at others. But what if the solution starts with us getting healthier? Together, we’ll explore how becoming a better leader starts with becoming a better human.

Session 2

Lie 2: Feelings are a liability in the workplace.

There’s a common myth that we can leave our personal lives at home. But when we ask people to leave parts of themselves at home, we limit their satisfaction and their potential. Together, we’ll explore the exponential power of welcoming whole humans into the workplace.

Session 3

Lie 3: I have to choose between people and profits.

Most leaders falsely believe that caring for people equates to lower performance. But emotional health and successful business outcomes are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are deeply connected. Together, we’ll explore how to build a culture that doesn’t sacrifice people or profits.