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“How do I do this?”

A Conversation Around Grief and Loss

Do you know what to do with your grief?

In a recent study, nearly 2/3 of Americans surveyed reported that they experienced a significant loss within the last three years. Grief and loss are an integral part of being alive, but it takes many shapes and forms. As humans, we grieve all kinds of things: the loss of a loved one, a change of beliefs, the loss of a future we once dreamed of—no matter how it takes shape, grief is not something any of us can escape.

While grief is a universal experience, it’s not something many of us feel equipped to navigate. Many of us grew up in homes that minimized big feelings of grief, therefore teaching us to run away from the pain and discomfort that often accompanies loss. Grieving is hard. It’s confusing. Clumsy. Messy. And often uncomfortable. Many of us would rather deny its impact than lean into the feelings. But the truth is, ignoring our grief is not the same thing as moving through it. When we leave our grief unchecked, it starts to take a toll on us.

Someone once said, “If we don’t grieve, our bodies will.” Grieving is a skill that we can learn, but most of us only seek out how to do it when we’re in the depth of loss. At Onsite, we often find that the best way to learn is through witnessing the experiences of others.

Join us to explore the lived experience of grief. During this authentic conversation hosted by a panel of people well acquainted with the lived experience of loss, we explore five universal truths about grief. We hope you’ll walk away from this conversation with empathy and understanding for where you are at and practical tools to help you navigate grief and loss differently.