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Self-Care | 140

140 - “How do I navigate a transition I didn’t ask for?” with Brandi Wilson  

Author and Certified Personal and Executive Coach Brandi Wilson shares her personal and expert advice about navigating transition, starting again, and how to come out better than okay on the other side of a change you didn’t ask for or ever dream of.

Self-Care | 139

139 "Why am I so tired?" with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

Perhaps it's not that you're not getting rest, but more that you're not getting the right kind of rest. Dr. Saundra introduces seven types of rest and how addressing our individual rest deficits can lead to unlocking our greatest potential, better mental health, overcoming burnout, and more. 

Self-Care | 138

138 "Can I feel joy when life is hard? " with Elyse Snipes

Therapist Elyse Snipes about the rebellious act of chasing and reclaiming our joy.

Self-Care | 131

"Can I trust my body?" with Kara Elise Campbell

Everywhere we turn, we hear people talking about it, but what does it mean to trust and be in a relationship with our bodies? 

Self-Care | 127

Episode 127 “Living Centered through Journaling Your Story” featuring Nadine Kenney Johnstone

Explore how to tap into your innate wisdom to journal your story.

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 124: “Living Centered and the Importance of Sleep and Self-Care” with Cara Dumaplin

Discover how to get the kind of sleep that optimizes your life.

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 091: “Living Centered Through Courageous Conversations” featuring Dr. Corey Yeager

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 090: “Living Centered in Radical Honesty and Vulnerability” featuring Manda Carpenter

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 080: “Living Centered and the Mind-Body Connection” featuring Dr. Sara Bomar

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 072: “Living Centered Through Practice” featuring Katie Gustafson

"Mindfulness is a topic that gets talked about often in mental and emotional health circles. However, while many of us know that it has benefits, practicing mindfulness doesn't come easy to everyone."
Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 065: “Living Centered and Practicing Mindfulness” featuring Christopher O’Reilly, MA, LPC

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 054: “Living Centered and Letting Go” featuring Lisa Whelchel

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 049: “Living Centered Into a New Year” featuring the Onsite Team

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 040: “Living Centered, Embracing Change, and Pursuing Wellness” featuring Elyse Snipes

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 027: “Living Centered and Embracing Our Stories” featuring Ashley Eicher

Self-Care | Podcast

Episode 024: “Living Centered with Intention” featuring Nikia Phoenix