Episode 106: “Living Centered and Pursuing Presence”
Featuring Keith Hays
Today on the Living Centered Podcast, Mickenzie and Hannah sit down with Onsite Night Supervisor Keith Hays. In this rare conversation, Keith provides a glimpse into the safe container of Onsite and his role in helping guests pursue presence during their Onsite experiences and beyond. As a student of mediation and therapist in training, Keith shares his own personal journey and offers us a fresh perspective on mindfulness.
Meet this episode’s expert
Keith A. Hays is a Night Supervisor at Onsite Workshops, where he cares for clients during the evenings of their week-long program. He is also a Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s candidate at Trevecca Nazarene University.
At mid-life, Keith left a 27-year investment career where he and his partners managed over 2 billion in assets. He felt he had a great life, but he could not escape the feeling of not “being enough”. Keith spent the next two years trying to understand the anxiety and discontent permeating his life. Through therapy, meditation, and amazing friendships, Keith emerged with a renewed sense of self and a love of life. He has a passion to help each person he meets to see their stunning beauty. Keith has a 30-year marriage to his wife, Kim, as well as three beautiful children Taylor (23), Lauren (20), and Grant (17).
Mentioned in this episode
Onsite is known and respected worldwide for providing life-changing group workshops that are founded on innovative clinical expertise, safe community, and exceptional healing hospitality.
Guided by the top clinical minds in the field, our workshops extend the length and depth of healing work in ways not always afforded in other settings. Unlike traditional therapies, our experiential therapeutic framework is blended with multiple modalities and grounded in the group experience.
With isolation, disconnection, and loneliness at an all-time high, Onsite is committed to curating world-class group workshop experiences to help people connect to themselves and others in transformational ways. Because we’re so often wounded in community, profound healing happens in the context of safe community on one of our beautiful campuses.
If you’re ready to learn more, our Admissions team would love to help you find the right experience for you at 1-800-341-7432.
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