Episode 090: “Living Centered in Radical Honesty and Vulnerability”
Featuring Manda Carpenter
This week Lindsey and Mickenzie diving into the topic of vulnerability and honesty with the writer, speaker, and advocate Manda Carpenter. Many of us carry misconceptions about what it means to live authentically, and Manda shares from her own story how she has learned to discern when, how, and with whom to let into the hard parts of her story. She also shares the intentional actions her family has taken to extend their circles and invest in people by living a “longer table lifestyle.”
Meet this episode’s expert
Manda Carpenter is a writer, speaker, and an advocate committed to helping women grow in their relationships with God, self, and others. She is the author of two books: “Soul Care to Save Your Life: How Radical Honesty Leads to Real Healing” and “Space: An Invitation to Create Rhythms of Work, Play, and Rest.” Manda is also a neighbor, question-asker, and cheerleader of the underdog. She and her husband, Eric, are foster parents and hosts of A Longer Table Podcast. They live with their son, Shia, in Los Angeles, California. For more, check out @mandacarpenter on Instagram and www.mandacarpenter.com.
Mentioned in this episode
Shame does not have to have the final word in your life, but it doesn’t have to be ignored, either.
When we get courageous enough to look at what has kept us stuck in familiar shame spirals, we can unlock self-compassion, stop striving to earn acceptance, and truly begin to live as our authentic selves.
Get access to our BRAND NEW Emotional Health Master Class The Shame Reframe.
Soul Care to Save Your Life
Manda Carpenter
In our image-conscious culture, life can become a never-ending performance. The perfection we feel pressured to project to those in our social sphere comes at the expense of our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. In the end, we are left exhausted and unfulfilled. How do we flip the script and feed ourselves rather than simply adding to our feeds?
In Soul Care to Save Your Life, author, speaker, and recovering performer Manda Carpenter offers an invitation to shift your focus from performing to purposeful living from the inside out. In this book she guides you on a three-part journey to
– identify the habits that are holding you back
– take ownership of your path to growth
– embrace practices of soul care for your well-being.
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