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Bonus Episode: “Living Centered When the World is Overwhelming”

Featuring Mickenzie and Lindsey

Many of us are feeling heavy and burdened by the state of the world around us. If you feel like your mental and emotional health is suffering in this heavy time, you are not alone. In this special bonus episode, co-hosts Mickenzie and Lindsey share a few of the practices and rhythms they’ve been implementing to stay present, informed, and centered even when the world around us feels overwhelming.

Mentioned in this episode


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Serving individuals adversely affected by symptoms of unaddressed trauma, including anxiety, depression, codependency, and PTSD, Milestones innovative and integrative program is customized to meet your individual needs.  

If you or someone you love could benefit from the innovative and individualized care that Milestones offers,  our team would love to connect with you on a confidential call to discuss your options at 800-341-7432. 


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Mickenzie Vought
Lindsey Nobles