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Bonus Episode: “Community as a Grounding Tool”

Featuring Christopher O’Reilly

Today we’re exploring how community can serve as an essential grounding practice in our emotional wellness toolkit. Join Mickenzie for a special bonus episode with therapist and Executive Director of Milestones, Christopher O’Reilly as they explore how leaning into a safe community can ground us in times of anxiety, heightened emotion, and stress.

Meet this episode’s expert

Christopher O’Reilly, MA, LPC, serves as the Executive Director of Milestones.    

Christopher has an extensive career running residential and outpatient programs specializing in trauma, addiction treatment, and detox. Within a nearly 20-year career with Caron Treatment Centers, Christopher honed his administrative and clinical skills overseeing residential programs’ full range of operational and therapeutic functions. Christopher also served as an adjunct professor at West Chester University, teaching mind, and body health. 

Christopher‘s obtained his MA in Clinical Counseling from Alvernia University, and his additional credentials include: 

  • Licensed Professional Counselor 
  • Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor 
  • Certified Clinical Supervisor 
  • Certified Sexual Additional Therapist 
  • Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist 

Christopher is also a Level 1 MBSR instructor from Brown University.   

As Executive Clinical Director, Christopher oversees all activities of Milestones, including operations, clinical, client outcomes, and CARF accreditation.

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Mentioned in this Episode


Practice Makes Presence

Five Tools for Grounding When the World Feels Overwhelming

The truth is, stressful circumstances that can heighten our anxiety, aren’t going away.

And while we can’t always find external stability, we CAN cultivate tools that help us create internal stability.

In Practice Makes Presence, you’ll learn how fostering a deeper relationship with yourself can help you understand why you feel anxious, what you do in response to it, and how you can use grounding tools to manage your anxiety more effectively. In this course, we’ll take a deep dive into five grounding practices that you can implement that will help you cultivate peace and presence in your life.

By the end of this class you will be able to…

  • Recognize anxiety and describe how our focus on the past, present, and future affect it.
  • Identify opportunities and methods for dealing with anxiety, and recognize which methods are healthy and which are unhealthy.
  • Cultivate and practice a set of tools for mindfulness and grounding that help combat the effects of anxiety. Identify the difference between emotions and feelings.


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Christopher O’Reilly
Practice Makes Presence course overview