5 Things We’re Resolving NOT to Do in 2023
Originally posted in collaboration with StyleBlueprint.
What would it look like to eliminate what wasn’t no longer serving us instead of adding new habits into our already over-scheduled and busy lives? Is it time to create a “to-don’t” list for the coming year?
This month, we teamed up with our friends at StyleBlueprint to provide you with five things we’re resolving NOT to do in 2023! These tips will help you focus more on what matters most to you and channel your time, energy, and emotions into the places that serve you most.
Read the full article here.
As we head into a new year, many of us are buzzing with motivation to improve our lives — from commitments to healthier eating to exercising more frequently to organizing our homes and finances. Whatever your individual goals, January tends to be a month when we pile our plates with more. But this year, we’re encouraging you to pause and consider what you’d like to eliminate instead — to assess what’s no longer serving you.
With the help of the experts at Onsite, we made a list of “anti-resolutions” we’re committing to in 2023.
5 Anti-Resolutions for the New Year
#1: Resolve not to compare your life to what you see on the Internet.
Social media can be an incredibly helpful tool, but it has its drawbacks, too. One of the most prevalent is that reality often dramatically differs from the brief snippets we see as we scroll through our feeds — and that makes it easy to fall into the trap of making comparisons.
“We’ve all heard the familiar adage that comparison is the thief of joy,” says Onsite Editorial and Community Director Mickenzie Vought. “Raise your hand if you’ve felt that sinking, gross feeling in your stomach after a quick scroll through your newsfeed. One friend has the perfect photo of her family’s holiday travel. Another is sharing the great meal she and her partner had on the town last night. And another person you’ve never met in real life is sharing the five tips she used to get out of debt, lose 10 pounds, and get 12 hours of sleep every night.”
We’ve all been there. Scrolling social media can be a fun diversion, if you set boundaries around your time and scroll consciously. This year, let’s resolve not to compare ourselves to strangers on the Internet!
One look at someone else’s seemingly perfect existence can be enough to throw us into a spiral of anxiety, shame, envy, and even depression. Organizational Psychologist Bob Hutchins says, “The more we live in others’ imagined lives, the less room we have for enjoyment of our own life.”
Mickenzie adds, “Here’s the truth that can be hard to remember when we’re stuck in a shame-scroll spiral on Instagram: When we compare ourselves to other people on the Internet, we’re comparing the best version of them to the worst version of ourselves.”
A step in the right direction: Let this be a year of “comparison detox.” Give yourself some grace, and don’t let someone else’s display of “perfection” be your guide!
“This year, when we start the all-too-familiar social media comparison spiral, we can create systems to limit our exposure to social media, remind ourselves what’s true, choose to show up in our own lives, and be present for the moments that matter,” says Mickenzie. “This might look like putting a time limit on your social media app usage for the day, scheduling regular technology detoxes, or unfollowing people who make you feel poorly about yourself.”
For More “Anti-Resolutions,” Read the Full Article